The Register for Morris Minors once used
by the British Government. Affiliated to the MMOC

Hi, and welcome to our website,

If you own a Morris Minor (Car, Traveller or LCV) which has been owned or used by a Government Ministry Department or has been sold to the general public through the surplus vehicle auctions at the RAOC’s Ordnance Storage Disposal Depot at Ruddington near Loughborough then read on.

Examples of Departments using Morris Minors are: MoD, Ministry of Agriculture, Customs and Excise, Department of Environment and D.H.S.S. (adapted for use by the disabled).

If you own such a vehicle, we want to hear from you and you are welcome to join the Register. The various Registers run by the Owners Club cater for members who own or run Minors of a particular type and of special interest.

There is no membership fee for the Register.

Note: No personal information is stored on this site. We only keep paper records of your details.

Please ‘click’ your way through the site to get an idea of its scope and to see what there is of particular interest to you, and then if you like what you see and it stimulates your interest, please make contact either by letter or by e-mail giving such details as you know of your vehicle together with any other relevant or interesting information.

Gerry Cambridge